Chantelle Berry

Events Overview

Upcoming favourite events

Starts Event name Location
7 Jun 2024 Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - June Takapoto Estate, Finlay Road, Maungatautari, Waikato, New Zealand

Favourite events with recent results

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Favourite events with recent downloads

Revision Date Name Event
8 Jun 2024 SUNDAY DRAWS - Class Lists Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - June
7 Jun 2024 Saturday Draws Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - June
23 May 2024 Takapoto June Schedule Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - June
22 May 2024 Takapoto Winter Series Hazard Register Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - June
22 May 2024 Takapoto Event Management Plan Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - June

Favourite events with recent news

News Date Title Event
6 Jun 2024 Important Information and House Keeping Takapoto Winter Jumping Event - June