🚛 Wheels at Wairarapa

Online Entry

You must be registered and logged in to Main-Events.com to use online entry.


You must be a registered user on Main-EVents.com to enter online. Do this from the login area at the top right of the page. A document explaining the steps to enter this event online can be found under the DOCUMENTS tab.

If you are having issues, please don't hesitate to ring Anne from Main-Events at 06 378 2310 who can talk you through the process.


Please make sure that you are aware of your responsibilities of the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 https://www.worksafe.govt.nz/laws-and-regulations/acts/hswa

No smoking is allowed onsite.

Operators, Exhibitors and Drivers of any machine or vehicle shall not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol inside the Wairarapa A&P Showgrounds. Only suitably qualified people are to operate or drive vehicles or machinery on the Wairarapa A&P Showgrounds. Operators, Exhibitors or Drivers of any machine or vehicle being moved, operated or driven inside the Wairarapa A&P Showgrounds shall be 16 years of age and over and competent to do so.

Powder or foam types of fire extinguishers are required to be present at the display area for every stationary engine exhibitor.
No passengers on vehicles or machinery unless the vehicle or machine is designed for passengers. No standing on any vehicle or machinery drawbars.

Walking speed is the maximum speed for any vehicle or machine moving inside the Wairarapa A&P Showgrounds.

Fuel shall be kept in safety containers. Petrol in a maximum of 10 litre container and Diesel in a maximum of 20 litre. No fuel will be supplied onsite.

All Wheels at Wairarapa event Facilitators and/or Convenors are Health and Safety Officers. Their decisions are final in any issue or dispute.

Event Details

Event code:
Sat 4 Feb 23 - Mon 6 Feb 23
Entries close:
Friday, 3 February 2023

Fee Policies

Late entries

  • late entries are not available


  • discounts are not available


  • cancellations are disabled

Payment Options

  • Bank deposit

Online Entry Steps

  • Step 1: Select/Add entry type and related info
  • Step 2: Select other items/fees
  • Step 3: Add/edit customer info
  • Step 4: Address and contact details
  • Step 5: Select payment option
  • Step 6: View summary and SUBMIT
  • Finish!

Online entry is closed

Class Changes/Other Messages