Takapoto Winter SJ Series

Milla Kewish (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Milla is a 12 year old student at Cambridge Middle School. Aside from riding Milla is a keen netball player and is very creative. She has her own little business where she takes peoples photos and turns them in to abstract art. Check out her work on her Facebook or Instagram page - Milla Rose Design

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Weekend Three 21 - 23 July 40.1 - Practice Round - 80cm Milla Kewish · My Bella Ragazza
Weekend Three 21 - 23 July 40.2 - Practice Round - 90cm Milla Kewish · My Bella Ragazza
Weekend Three 21 - 23 July 45 - Pony 85cm - A2 Art 238 2.1 Milla Kewish · My Bella Ragazza
Final Weekend 18 - 20 August 65 - Pony 85cm - A2 Art 238 2.1 Milla Kewish · My Bella Ragazza
Final Weekend 18 - 20 August 74 - Pony 90cm - Special Two Phase Art Milla Kewish · My Bella Ragazza
Competitor picture for Milla Kewish