Takapoto Winter SJ Series

Twyla Ashwell (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Twyla is 10 years old and goes to Pirongia Primary School. She currently competes in Eventing up to 80cm and SJ to 90cm. Twyla loves helping her mum Tina bring on the young ponies.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Weekend One 12 - 14 May 0.1 - Practice Round - 80cm Twyla Ashwell · Adlou Aramis
Weekend One 12 - 14 May 0.4 - Additional Round at same height Twyla Ashwell · Adlou Aramis
Weekend Two 16 - 18 June 20.1 - Practice Round - 80cm Twyla Ashwell
Weekend Two 16 - 18 June 20.2 - Practice Round - 90cm Twyla Ashwell
Weekend Three 21 - 23 July 45 - Pony 85cm - A2 Art 238 2.1 Twyla Ashwell · Adlou Aramis
Weekend Three 21 - 23 July 54 - Pony 90cm- Special Two Phase Art Twyla Ashwell · Adlou Aramis
Competitor picture for Twyla Ashwell