Taupo Christmas Classic 2022

Tessa Moffett (Rider)

Competitor Info

Puketapu, HB
Rider Profile for announcer
Tessa is 12 years old and goes to Puketapu school in HB. Banana is her third pony. They love going to the river, attending pony club with friends and most of all jumping.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
ESNZ Equestrian 22 - 7:30 AM START - Open Pony 1.00m, 2 phase - Art Tessa Moffett · A Kind of Magic
ESNZ Equestrian 33 - Open Pony Classic 1.05m - Art 238.2.2 (IJO) Tessa Moffett · A Kind of Magic
ESNZ Equestrian 40 - Mini Prix Pony Classic 1.10-1.15m - Art 238.2.2 (IJO) Tessa Moffett · A Kind of Magic
Competitor picture for Tessa Moffett