Taupo Christmas Classic 2022

Charlotte Targett (Rider)

Competitor Info

Te Puke Bay of Plenty
Rider Profile for announcer
Charlotte has been riding for 6 years. She has a team of 3 horses and this is her first season riding hacks. She loves to ride out over neighbouring farms with her Mum. Her coaches are Abby Lawrence and Oliver Croucher

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
ESNZ Equestrian 15 - Open Horse 1.10m, A2 - Art 238 2.1 Charlotte Targett · Rata Mill Lynx
ESNZ Equestrian 34 - Open Horse Classic 1.10m - Art 238.2.2 (IJO) Charlotte Targett · Rata Mill Lynx
Competitor picture for Charlotte Targett