Takapoto Winter SJ Series - Weekend 1, 2, 3 & FINAL

sophie scott (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
20 years old from Wellington. Qualified Vet Tech. Winner of NZ National Young rider championship 3 years running. Winner of Poli Payment world cup at the young horse show Winner of the nz National premier league championship

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Weekend One 14-15 May 3 - Horse 1.40m - A2 Art 238 2.1 sophie scott · Benrose Casino ECPH
Weekend One 14-15 May 4 - Horse 1.20m - A2 Art 238 2.1 sophie scott · Quantum Queen gnz
Weekend One 14-15 May 5 - Horse 1.30m - A2 Art 238 2.1 sophie scott · Quantum Queen gnz
Weekend One 14-15 May 9 - Horse 1.45m - AM5 238 2.2 - IJO sophie scott · Benrose Casino ECPH
Competitor picture for sophie scott