Central & South HB SJ & SH Popup Show

Molly Presling (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Molly presling is an 9 year old from Wellington. She is in year 5 at school but wishes she could spend all her time riding. Molly has been riding for 4 years and her biggest achievement to date was riding in her first Pony Grand Prix this season, and now

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showjumping 12 - Intro Pony, A1 - Art 238 1.1 - 60cm Molly Presling · Countess
Showjumping 13 - Intro Pony, A1 - Art 238 1.1 - 70cm Molly Presling · Countess
Showjumping 14 - Intro Pony, A1 - Art 238 1.1 - 80cm Molly Presling · ER Reign
Showjumping 15 - Pony, AM5 - Art 238 2.2 - 90cm IJO Molly Presling · ER Reign
Competitor picture for Molly Presling