Wairarapa Labour Weekend SJ & SH Championships

Asti Stephens (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Asti Stephens 15-year-old rider, riding one of her team of three horses. finishing up her second-ever season of SJ

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Show Jumping 15 - Intro Horse 85cm A1 - Art. 238.1.1 Asti Stephens · As Phantom Double Shot
Show Jumping 31 - *Intro Horse 90cm AM5 IJO - Art. 238.2.2 Asti Stephens · As Phantom Double Shot
Show Jumping 31 - *Intro Horse 90cm AM5 IJO - Art. 238.2.2 Asti Stephens · As Phantom Double Shot
Competitor picture for Asti stephens