NEW - Northern Hawkes Bay Jumping Show

Emma Gillies (Rider)

Competitor Info

Rider Profile for announcer
Emma goes to Oamaru Intermediate School and is Year 8. Emma also has two other pony, Benrose Playtime, Pinewood Rock n Roll and Moccochino. Emma also won five titles at the South Island championships.

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Showjumping 1 - Pony 1.20m Art 238.2.2 (AM5) Emma Gillies · Benrose Eclipse
Showjumping 1 - Pony 1.20m Art 238.2.2 (AM5) Emma Gillies · Benrose Playtime
Showjumping 1 - Pony 1.20m Art 238.2.2 (AM5) Emma Gillies · Benrose Starlight
Showjumping 10 - Pony 1.10m Art 274 1.5.3 (two phase) Emma Gillies · Benrose Starlight
Showjumping 16 - COUNTRY TV Pony Grand Prix Art Emma Gillies · Benrose Eclipse
Showjumping 16 - COUNTRY TV Pony Grand Prix Art Emma Gillies · Benrose Playtime
Showjumping 18 - Pony Mini Prix 1.15m Art 238.2.2 (AM5) call back Emma Gillies · Benrose Starlight
Competitor picture for Emma Gillies