SJ Canterbury Xmas Cracker Premier Show

Competitor Info

Rider competing in Ring 3 only?

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
EQUESTRIAN 201 - Warm up 70cm 7.30am - 8.25am Fran Gunn · Billy
EQUESTRIAN 203 - Welcome Horse 70cm Fran Gunn · Billy
EQUESTRIAN 204 - Introductory Horse 80cm Fran Gunn · Billy
EQUESTRIAN 205 - Horse Rising Star 80cm restricted to horses with 3 or less wins at start of the current season Fran Gunn · Billy
EQUESTRIAN 207 - Horse Rising Star 90cm restricted to horses with 3 or less wins at start of the current season Fran Gunn · Billy
EQUESTRIAN 356 - Saturday SH Horse Ring Crew 12.00pm to finish Fran Gunn · Billy
Competitor picture for Fran Gunn