EQUIDAYS - All Competitions

Kieryn Walton (Rider)

Competitor Info

Short Profile
Kieryn is a full time Detective with the NZ Police. She has trained multiple horses through to FEI level and fits riding a team of horses and running a farm around her full time job. Kieryn is passionate about all things dressage and dreams of one day travelling to Europe to see the best horses and riders in the world in action. She also dreams about winning lotto so she can concentrate of her riding and producing her horses to be competitive against the professionals.
Link to ESNZ Rider Profile

Class Entries

Class category Class Competitors
Dressage 25 - FEI Grand Prix Kieryn Walton · Rosari Don Carlos
Dressage 26 - Grand Prix Freestyle to Music Kieryn Walton · Rosari Don Carlos
Competitor picture for Kieryn Walton