Werribee Jeep Australian Showjumping Championships 2014

34.1 - Open Height Class 1.04m

Class Number
Start Date
20 Sep 2014
EV Trust Arena
All Prize Money
$40, 30, 25, 20, 15, 15, 10, 10
Results Rcvd
Entry Fee
Entry limit

Entry lists displayed below may be incomplete because it only contain entries entered online and/or uploaded by the event administrator.

St No Name Name R1 F R1 T Qual? R2 F R2 T Pl Notes Rank Pts PM won
tba Abacuss Christie Hill
tba Activate Amy Kort
tba Ambervale Smudge Jo Geard
tba Ardoch Khan Jessie Constantine
tba Asgard III Alexander Green
tba Belcam Canasta Lachie Wake
tba Brilliant Conquest Emily Hill
tba Cavallo Park Carousel Danielle Whatley
tba Crikey Mick Aaron Mawhinney
tba Devarajah Way Tory Liarakos
tba El Sunera (TB) Jo Geard
tba Fairlands Fancy Elaine Gee
tba Fenwick Dundonald Juliet Reeder
tba Gi Gi of Mt Coghill Lauren Koerner
tba Harry Kewl Louise Abey
tba Harvey Emma Liarakos
tba Hitman Paige Jardine
tba How True Elspeth Ford
tba Kenlock Superwoman Rose Prosenik
tba Ladalileo Jessie Constantine
tba Laudrup Prue Bergmeier
tba Luda Levardo Kim Hughes
tba Magic Instinct Miranda Norton
tba Mp Alie May Gabrielle Corrigan
tba Pash N Dash James bridges
tba Questing Kearie Wright
tba Regency Lazer Jodie Barkla
tba River Song Keren Bennett
tba Showgirl Sl Billy Hinz
tba Sir Hero Kate Robinson
tba Snowy River Standby Ken Wakefield
tba Snowy River War Poppy Teagan Chester
tba Sparkling Midnight Rebecca Sands
tba Spyder Man Toni Shave
tba Surf Gabrielle Lovett
tba The Red Wiggle Louise Abey
tba Tulara Cassime kane chester
tba Vallacon Michelle McBean
tba Victor Hugo Emily Hill
tba WAT Imperial Sam Williams
tba Wellbrook Magical Mist Courtney Swain
tba West Side Rhythm Aimee Taylor
tba Yirrkala Edward Ruslan Petkov