Werribee Jeep Australian Showjumping Championships 2014

0.1 - Registration for TB Awards (as per schedule)

Class Number
Start Date
18 Sep 2014
Werribee Jeep Arena
Results Rcvd
Entry Fee

Entry lists displayed below may be incomplete because it only contain entries entered online and/or uploaded by the event administrator.

St No Name Name R1 F R1 T Qual? R2 F R2 T Pl Notes Rank Pts PM won
Bell Point Prince Edward (TB) Sophia Landy
Bluesta (TB) Nicole Bruggemann
Brekko (TB) Madeline Sinderberry
Bronco Billy (TB) pauline and Clyde Charlton/SheraJones
Centaur Park Cascade (TB) Chelsea Roberts
Crusader LS Rupert Vallance
Diagonally (TB) Chloe Hughes
Diamond B Jimmychoo (TB) Tom McDermott
Double The Bank (TB) Tayla Whalley
El Sunera (TB) Jo Geard
Galvanised (TB) Phil Stephens
Getwotuwant (TB) Tom sedger
Hidden Option (TB) Andrew Long
Hylton Park Calypso (TB) Alex Rooney
Josie Alice (TB) Reanna Bowman
Kaluna Thunderstruck (TB) Matt Afford
Khamun Park Gangster (TB) Brianna Devine
Kijimakala (TB) Courtney Shears
King Tutankhamun (TB) Brianna Devine
Kirkley Hill Dejavu (TB) Brianna Devine
Little Wick (TB) Emily Patterson
Madagascar (TB) Annabel Fairweather
Mass Exodus (TB) Lucy Eagle
Mec Privledge (TB) Leon Carroll
Mr Fugitive (TB) Lucy Evans
Night Spirit (TB) Lucy McKee
Noble Eros (TB) Emily Patterson
Pee Kay Gum (TB) Erin Bowman
Power Play (TB) Annabel Fairweather
Pure Cougar (TB) Nicole Gibbs
Rothswaite Grumfus (TB) Tom McDermott
Saint Verdi (TB) Bronwyn Shortt
Silver Dawn (TB) pauline and Clyde Charlton/SheraJones
Spy Agency (TB) William Mathew
Stardom (TB) Billy Raymont
The Buzz (TB) Elaine Gee
The Lion (TB) Amber Fuller
Tm Admiral Venture (TB) Riley Mackillop
Tyranosaurus Rex (TB) Samuel Robertson
Unreachable Star (TB) Jo Geard